Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Initial Idea

Here I have written up my initial idea for my music video, this is important as now I can plan for how I will create it and research into what I will need.

My initial idea is based around the Muse cover of Feeling good, after researching into this band and the genre. I feel that this song is good for my idea because the song builds up to the chorus which is loud and rocky. My idea I believe is simple but effective. The video will be shot in black and white and will use slow motion and rewind effects. It will start by fading into a girl standing in front of a plain background. Then the audience will be able to see droplets of water falling from above her onto her. This will be in slow motion as it builds up to the chorus. Once the chorus starts the water will be reaching the girl and the viewer will be able to see her gradually getting soaked by the water. Then once the song progresses into the second verse the clip we just saw will be rewound and play backwards whilst still being shown in slow-motion. As the second verse starts there will be a series of closes ups of the girl with water droplets running down her skin, and then rewind this so it appears that the water is running up her skin. Then as the second and last chorus starts we will see the girl standing with water falling on top of the girl and also coming from the sides. The audience will be able to see the water from the sides and from the top in slow motion, this enabling the audience to see the water in a different way making the video interesting. This will then be shown again but rewound as well as showing different close-ups and shots of the girl from low angles and shooting in soft focus. After this as the song is coming to an end and becoming slower and calmer there will be a long shot of the girl enabling the viewer to see all of her, then as she is covered in water and soaked she will stand to the side and flip her hair back so the audience can see her hair and the water coming off it, the video will then fade out once it is finished.

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