The video and the digipak artwork work together as they both
follow similar themes of nostalgia, Alice in Wonderland and childhood. The
video portrays these themes through the use of camera, editing and mise en
scene. Firstly the audience can see the Alice in Wonderland themes such as the
idea of the tea party in the woods as well as dressing the artist as Alice with
the dress, knee high socks and headband, this also emphasising the naive and
innocent tones of the video as what the artist is wearing is similar to things
a young girl wood wear. However contradicting the innocence of the video is the
low key lighting and sepia green/brown it is shot in to add a dark element to
the video this then relating to the lyrics as they are dark yet have innocent
and naive tones to them. The Childhood
themes are highlighted through the tea party as the artist looks young and
naive, she is also seen painting a rose signifying the innocence yet darkness
as she is destroying something pure and natural emphasising the lyrics. The
audience are also able to see the footage of the artist in the woods behind the
artist whilst she is performing the lyrics suggesting that although she appears
young and naive she is not because she understands the lyrics.

I also looked at the magazine advert and digipak she created I analysed this as well.
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